Worship begins at 10:00 a.m.

Love Thy Neighbor Best Practices Covenant for Worship in Sanctuary:

1. Sanctuary Cleaning: Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of sanctuary on Wednesdays.

2. Before Coming to Worship: Please take a moment to check for symptoms, e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath.

3. Arriving for Worship:

· Use narthex entrance.

· People with disabilities may enter through handicapped accessible office entrance.

· Wear face mask.

· Check symptoms. Enter under canopy. Maintain social distancing as temperature check is taken. Please note: Temp above 100.3 will not risk entrance.

· Sanitizer will be available to clean hands.

· Pick up a bulletin or use digital link from

· No offering plates will be passed; look for offering plate when entering.

4. Sanctuary Ventilation: Powerful attic exhaust fans will pull fresh air from open windows and discharge sanctuary air up and out through attic. A/C will be on during hot Sundays but indoor temp may be warm. Dress cool.

5. Maintain Social Distancing: Move through narthex and enter sanctuary using main aisle.

· There will be arrows on the floor, and ushers directing you.

· We will be using every other pew.

· Families sit together.

· Two families may sit in the same pew if 6 feet social distancing is maintained.

6. Don’t Forget Your Face Mask: Cover nose and mouth at all times while in the building including while singing and unison liturgy.

7. Observe “1 in 1 out” for restroom use.

8. BYOC: Bring your own cushion. The red pew cushions have been removed for sanitary purposes.

9. When Exiting Use Side Aisles:

· Right side (south side) pews will leave building through lounge & Rabbit Hill exit.

· Left side (north side) pews will leave building through office side exit.

· Please remember to keep social distancing and keep your mask on.

10. No Nursery or WOW during July & August. Reassess for September.